Numerical Solution of the Schwarzschild Interior in Loop Quantum Cosmology
April 18, 2019 | Categories: Publications
Though loop quantization of several spacetimes has exhibited existence of a bounce via an explicit evolution of states using numerical simulations, the question about the way central singularity is resolved in the black hole interior has remained open. The quantum Hamiltonian constraint in loop quantization turns out to be a finite difference equation whose stability is important to understand to gain insights on the viability of the underlying quantization and resulting physical implications. We take first steps towards addressing these issues for a loop quantization of the Schwarzschild interior recently given by Corichi and Singh. Von-Neumann stability analysis is performed using separability of solutions as well as a full two dimensional quantum difference equation. This results in a stability condition for black holes which have a very large mass compared to the Planck mass. For black holes of smaller masses evidence of numerical instability is found. In addition, stability analysis for macroscopic black holes leads to a constraint on the choice of the allowed states in numerical evolution. With the caveat of using kinematical norm, sharply peaked Gaussian states are evolved using the quantum difference equation and singularity resolution is obtained. A bounce is found for one of the triad variables, but for the other triad variable singularity resolution amounts to a non-singular passage through the zero volume. States are found to be peaked at the classical trajectory for a long time before and after the singularity resolution, and retain their semi-classical character across the zero volume. Our main result is that quantum bounce occurs in loop quantized Schwarzschild interior at least for macroscopic black holes.
Yonika, G. Khanna, “Numerical Solution of the Schwarzschild Interior in Loop Quantum Cosmology,” 2016 Fall Meeting of the APS New England Section, North Adams, MA, October 2016.